Myvegas Mobile Chips
Posted By admin On 03/04/22MyVegas is a wonderful mobile and Facebook application that allows you to play non-gambling slot games for points which can be converted into a whole host of rewards to spend in Vegas and beyond. However, you are able to spend money to buy MyVegas chips if you’ve run out or want to top up your balance.
It’s worth buying MyVegas chips if there’s not much time until your vacation as it will help you get the final points you need for a reward. Alternatively, if you don’t have time to play the game, buying chips and placing high stakes is likely to give you more points for rewards with less effort.
Ultimately, when looking to buy MyVegas chips it’s about ensuring that you don’t spend more on the chips than you would on the reward.
Table of Contents
What MyVegas Rewards You’d Like
It’s pointless spending any amount of money or dedicated amount of time on the game if you aren’t sure of the rewards you’d like to receive. In our case, we’d book our flights to Vegas, but not a hotel. I wanted to use our loyalty points for a complimentary stay.
Get your myVEGAS free chips mobile! Since myVEGAS is a mobile slot machines game, free chips can only be collected on a mobile device, either on Android or iOS. We also collect free chips links to the Facebook version of myVEGAS. Open our site on your mobile device and click on the chip links below. After tapping a link, a new window will pop up. 14 votes, 22 comments. Hey guys, was playing on another app on my phone and got an ad for a 1 billion mobile chip link. Here it is - Grab it while.
So I headed over to the MyVegas app rewards section to work out roughly how many loyalty points I’d need in order to get the longest, and best stay we could during our trip.
I noted a couple of two-night complimentary stays currently available in the MyRewards section of MyVegas. I checked the promotional calendar to ensure my dates were available (these will either be within the terms on the page like above or on a link. In the case of the image above, I had to click the orange link stating ‘View Promotional Availability’.
I was looking for our two-night complimentary stay to be between the 15th to the 21st October and those dates were available according to the promotional calendar. Therefore my goal was to get to 95,000 loyalty points.
If I spent $5 and as a result felt as though it could get me to that 95,000 loyalty points, then I’d spend it. Simply because two nights at this hotel during my visit retails for a minimum of $289.08.
How Much Time You Have To Invest In The Game
If you work an office job, are a stay at home mom or have plenty of spare time to run the game in the background while getting on with everyday things then you’ll be able to complete more of the free MyVegas chip redemption methods more often, resulting in more MyVegas free chips.
If you don’t have much free time to spend on the game, or you’ve not got long until you leave for your Vegas trip then it might be a good idea to purchase some MyVegas chips which in turn will allow you to increase your bet amount on the games and convert the chips into loyalty points quicker.
Where You’re Staying During Your Vegas Trip
If you’ve already booked a stay at an MGM resort then you may want to consider saving your loyalty points for some Freeplay. There are often different Freeplay rewards for each of the MGM hotels.
In the case of my parents, they’d already booked to stay at the Bellagio. So we decided the best thing for them to save their loyalty points for was the $50 Freeplay in the hotel’s casino.
If they were to spend $5 to get them to 150,000 loyalty points in time for their trip, then I’d say that’s a great deal. As they’ve spent $5 to get $50.
Of course, I’d always recommend maximising and continuing to maximise the free MyVegas chip offers that refresh every day. Whether you’re purchasing chips or not. These are free chips, and essentially free rewards!
Remember, the ultimate goal is to spend as little amount of money possible and get as much free stuff for our Vegas trip as possible thanks to the MyVegas rewards.
What Are MyVegas Chips Worth
I said in the introduction of this post that MyVegas heavily promotes the option of purchasing MyVegas chips. So much so you might receive multiple pop-ups with multiple different offers.
So if you decide to part with your hard-earned cash in return for MyVegas chips that you’re planning on turning into MyVegas rewards then you’ll want to ensure you’re getting the very best deal.
Below are screenshots of the offers I had available to me at the exact same time when I was looking to purchase MyVegas chips. This included pop-up offers, looking to pop my champagne bottle that was 100% full or looking at the standard purchasing options.
Above you can see I was offered 12 million chips (along with some gold coins and MVP points) for $5. This works out at 2.4 million chips per $1.
If I chose to pop my champagne bottle I’d be getting just over 3 million chips for 3 dollars (along with 120 MVP points). This works out at just over 600,000 chips per $1. A lot less than the previous offer!
If I opted for the standard MyVegas chips purchase then I could get almost 13 million chips for $5 (along with a bonus spin, 250 loyalty and 200MVP). Much like the first offer this worked out at 2.4 million chips per $1.
Finally, I was offered this deal in a pop-up. Almost 96 million chips for $1. That’s a considerable amount more than I’d previously been offered, and an offer I was willing to take as a result.
As a result of purchasing the first deal, I’d unlocked ‘the second level’. Again with just a $1 spend I’d be getting 257 million chips. Again, this number of chips for $1 is insane considering my previous offers, so I decided to take them up on the offer.
Finally, after purchasing the second level offer I unlocked the third level. Almost 442 million chips for $1. Which of course, I took. In conclusion, I managed to get over 793 million MyVegas chips for just $3. On top of that, I got a number of loyalty points and MVP points which weren’t mentioned in the offer but applied to my account upon redemption.
While the offers are going to vary at the time of play. I’d recommend using this strategy to ensure you’re always getting the best value for money if you do decide that buying MyVegas chips is worth it in your case.
I’d also urge you to stay on the side of caution. I’d hate to see anyone spending anything near $100 on the game. Especially if they’ve zero experience in redeeming the rewards. For any further gambling help, we’d always recommend GamCare.
The games are designed as slots and can be addictive, just remember the reason we’re playing is to get amazing rewards at a heavily discounted rate.
myVEGAS Mobile Slot Strategy
In myVEGAS Mobile Slots, your biggest task to keep on spinning the slots to gain enough experience. With higher levels, you can gain loyalty points and collect more free chips. Follow the betting table listed to spin your slot machines.
In general, it is better to use the minimum bet consistently because you can get more turnover from the same stack of chips. However, as your chip stack grows, your job is to adjust your bet accordingly.
Myvegas Mobile Free Chips Advisor
Never ever play any slot machines without an active quest going. Focus on using the least amount of chips to complete each of the quest. For collection quests, go for the quest that require “higher” number of items. This may seem counter intuitive, but the chance is that you can complete the “higher” number ones much faster because they are more common.
Do all of your dailies and collect the chips as much as you can. If you do decide to purchase chips with real currency, pick a time where MyVegas is running a promotion that gives better than 500% bonus chips.

Sources of Free Chips
To excel and advance through the game of MyVegas, you will need sufficient bankroll to make that happen. Use all the chances that you have to grab the free chips that the game has to offer.
It should be noted that these free chips are rewarded based on your level. So this means that the higher level you are, the more chips that you can earn by collecting daily.
Daily Spin: The Daily Spin is activated once every 22 hours. Your goal is to never miss a day of login bonus so that you can gain the most amount of chips.
Free Chips Collect: You can collect free chips based on your level every 4 hours. Although the amount of chips that you can earn via this method is not that much, by hitting at least 3~4 collection per day, you can add a small stack to your MyVegas game money.
Game Money Management Strategy
Managing your pile of chips is key to level up faster in the long run for the game. The key is to gain enough experience points before you blow up your roll. In general, you will lose your stacks over the long run, with the exception of hitting jackpots or huge wins.
In general, you want to have enough chips for 500 spins at least to even out the peak and troughs of your lucky spins. Below is a break down of the betting strategy based on your stack.
The only exception to this rule is when you are working on the quests. Sometimes if the quests require you to do BET MAX, your best spin will be go for those spins and wish for luck.
60 Bet = 0-30000 Chip Stack
150 Bets = 30000 – 75000 Chip Stack
200 Bets = 75k-100k Chip
300 Bets = 100k-150k Chip
600 Bets = 150k-300k Chips
1500 Bets = 300k-750k Chips
3000 Bets = 750k-1.5m Chips
6000 Bets = 1.5m-3m Chips
How to Complete Quests Much Easier
MyVegas Mobile Slots have a few types of quests available for you. We will list out them to provide you with some valid strategies to complete all the MyVegas mobile quests much easier.
Before we discuss any of these in detail. We should note that these quest usually require you to finish the actions with specific slot games. Some quests require you to complete all the actions for all slot games listed. For this situation, pick the slots that suit your bank roll first, starting from the highest possible rolls. The reason is that you can potentially gain quest pieces while spinning your chips optimally.
To make sure that your spins are counting toward quest requirement, the successful spins should show a little “pop” at the stars to the right. In addition, the stars to the right should be lighted up.
1. Collect Quests
Collect quests can be divided into two different types – collecting specific slot pieces, or collecting specific type of wins with the pieces. The key is to use the minimum bet so that you complete these collect quests using the least amount of chips.
It should be noted that “free spins” count toward this quests. So it means for the slot machines that let you choose between free spin or money, you should always go for highest number of free spins for the free quest collections.
2. Win x Amount of Chips
Pass the quest by winning x amount of chips. The chips that you earn through bonus game and free spin is usually included for the quest fulfillment.
3. Gain x Amount of experience points
You gain experience points when you spend x amount of chips per spin. If you are low in stack, just do the minimum bets so that you can pass the quest.
4. Win x number of BET MAX
The BET MAX quest of MyVegas is always tricky and hard, especially when your bank roll is low. This is mainly the reason why we recommend going miminum bet for all the other quests, so that you have money to burn for the BET MAX quests.
5. Earn x amount of Loyalty Points
The Loyal Points (LP) quests can be timed, because you know exactly when that you will gain the LP. This means that you can go back to MyStrip, and activate the LP quests when you are about to trigger the Loyal Points gain.
Free Spin Activation Strategy
The Free Spins for most of the slots is based on the average spins that you have done from your last “free spin”. This is true for all the slots that let you “collect” free spin pieces such as the Excalibur.
This means that there is no point in trying to increase your bet to max, before you know that you might hit the Free Spin soon. However, one valid strategy is to bet big first, and once your bank roll drops lower, switch to the smaller bets which can trigger free spin later.
Slot Bonus Game Tips
The bonus games act a little different than the free spin. Most of the bonus games use your last spin amount as the base for the chip earning power. This does not mean anything, other than the fact that you should not deviate.
Slot Game Information
Bonus Game Type: Wheel Spin, Pick 3 + Multiplier
New York New York
Bonus Game Type: Wheel Spin, Pick till Bust
Glee Musketeers
Bonus Game Type: Fruit Slice
Bonus Game Type: Wheel Spin, Pick till Bust
Frontier Fortune
Bonus Game Type: Hi Lo
Pirate Cover:
Bonus Game Type: Wheel Spin
Bonus Game Type: Climb Pyramid

Monster Maniac:
Bonus Game Type: Coffin Pick, Wheel Spin
Welcome Betrock:
Bonus Game Type: None
Reel Chef
Bonus Game Type: Pizza War, Pick Dish
Myvegas Slots Mobile Free Chips 2020
Betrock N Roll
Bonus Game Type: Craps
Around the World in 80 Plays:
Bonus Game Type: Hidden Object
Bonus Game Type: Missile Defense
Myvegas Codes
MGM Grand:
Bonus Game Type: Musical Beat
Myvegas Billion Chips Mobile
China Mystery:
Bonus Game Type: Free Spin or Take Chips Deal
Note: I found this strategy a few months ago. If you are the author please let me know so I can give you credit.